Blue Screen error - nightmares!
My relatively new computer suffers from continual blue screen crashes >.<
My computer was designed for Vista so I'm hoping its just a reaction to horrible XP, am upgrading to Vista soon :)
In the meantime I've found some instructions for curing blue screen crashes which seem to work.
Make sure to follow them exactly, if you leave anything out then *pow* its back to square one.
Good luck!!
Blue screen error fix…
Switch computer on – select F2 and enter BIOS
- change boot options to CD as first boot type
- Put Windows XP CD in drive and boot to CD (do not do repair option)
- Press “R” for recovery console
- Enter operating system number (will probably be 1)
- Enter admin password (or hit enter if there is none)
A screen will now come up with the prompt C:\Windows
Type in: CHKDSK /R
NB ->make sure to leave a space after the K before the /
Hit enter.
It may take up to 20 minutes for the check to complete itself.
When done type “exit” and hit enter.
Then go back into BIOS and change the computer to start normally (hard drive as first option) instead of CD first.
Hopefully it will start up and work ok now!!
When you go back in used CHKDSK to check system files as well:
Go to -> Start -> My computer ->right click the drive to scan (eg. C drive) -> menu properties -> tools -> click “check now” -> click both boxes
This is incredibly technological of you!! I am much impressed.
I guess this is what we have to do, in the past we would have just gotten milorad to fix it LOL
Yeah if only.
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